On February 12, the Virginia Libertarian Party filed notice of appeal in Sarvis v Judd, the lawsuit that challenges a Virginia law that always puts Democratic and Republican Party nominees at the top of the ballot. The U.S. District Court had upheld the law, even though the court found that being on the top of the ballot does provide an advantage. The court said states are permitted to discriminate against minor parties and independent candidates because states have an interest in bolstering the two dominant parties.
“The court said states are permitted to discriminate against minor parties and independent candidates because states have an interest in bolstering the two dominant parties.”
Same old garbage. These judges worked their way up through one of the major parties and they intend to protect them with what ever ruling they can come up with. How sad.
I won’t live to see it happen, but I believe the day is coming when “independents” will outnumber all of the parties membership, and will demand a primary of their own to nominate candidates of their own.
Oh, what a day that would be for the major parties to find themselves on the outside looking in for a change.