On March 2, the Florida House Rules Committee passed a bill that moves the presidential primary from March 1 to March 15. See this story.
On March 2, the Florida House Rules Committee passed a bill that moves the presidential primary from March 1 to March 15. See this story.
Any super computers reporting on what day a majority of the HACK delegates to the Donkey/Elephant gangster conventions will be chosen ???
How much REAL P.R. in the selection of delegates will happen ???
The Donkeys had a series of WAR battles in their 1968-1988 national conventions to get mostly P.R. —
some results – Clinton in 1992 and Obama in 2008.
While Florida Democrats would have more delegates to lose by defying the Democratic National Convention rules, but I still believe a state has a right to set whatever date it desires under the rights of the 10th amendment. I believe if a number of states had the backbone to stand up to the DNC, the Courts would eventually rule that a state can set whatever date of their presidential primaries they want. No state should be allowed to hold hostile another state.
What we need is a all-state presidential primary, paid for by public financing, candidates should be given stipends by public financing – depending on the office they are seeking and the number of voters in the district, all parties – including 3rd parties and Independents should have ballot access by filing fees, and all candidates making the ballot, should be included in all public debates.
This is the only way that there will be such a thing as a “democratic” election process in the United States. This is the only way we will put an end once and for all to “backroom politics” and “party bosses” in the United States.
The political parties are private organizations. If the Alabama Rotary Club doesn’t want to play by the rules of USA Rotary Club, they can exclude delegates from Alabama from their national convention.
States could conduct direct nominating primaries, which totally bypass the national convention.
The party hack gangs are PUBLIC *State action* gangs in the nomination process.
Again – see the 2 Texas White Primary cases in SCOTUS around 1930.
See the 1989 Eu SCOTUS case.