Arizona Republican Legislators Advance Three Bills that they Had Passed in 2013 but then Repealed After Referendum Petition was Filed

In 2013, Republicans in the Arizona legislature passed an omnibus election law bill, HB 2305, that injured voting rights for minor parties, and for Democrats as well.  The Arizona Democratic Party and its allies, especially unions, then mustered the strength to complete a referendum petition against HB 2305.  When the referendum petition succeeded, the Republican majority then repealed their own bill, so that the referendum against the bill was canceled.

This year, Republican legislators are advancing three bills that contained provisions from HB 2305.  This blog has already noted HB 2608, which makes it more difficult for minor party candidates to get on their own party’s primary ballot.  In addition, the Senate has passed SB 1340, which requires individuals who drop off more than 10 absentee ballots at the polls to show a government photo-ID which is then posted on a state web page.  And the House has passed HB 2407, which makes it more difficult for initiatives and referenda to get on the ballot.  See this story.


Arizona Republican Legislators Advance Three Bills that they Had Passed in 2013 but then Repealed After Referendum Petition was Filed — 2 Comments

  1. HB 2138 would change the date of the primary. Originally it would have moved the primary from 10 weeks before the general election to 24 weeks before the general election (late August to early May. It was amended to move the primary to 17 weeks before the general election (late August to early July). It appears to narrowly been defeated in the House, but might be revived. This bill would have the effect of moving deadlines as well.

    But you were probably thinking of HB 2608, which increases the signature requirements of minor party candidates.

  2. Thank you. You’re right, I put the wrong bill number, but the post is fixed now.

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