Two "Big Names" Associated with Unity08, Endorse Obama

On April 19, two former Democratic U.S. Senators, Sam Nunn of Georgia and David Boren of Oklahoma, both endorsed Barack Obama. Both men had been close to Unity08 last year. See here for the Nunn story and here for the Boren story.


Two "Big Names" Associated with Unity08, Endorse Obama — 6 Comments

  1. So… two “moderate conservatives” like Nunn and Boren endorse a far-leftist like Obamanation. Wonder if there’s any “bitterness” in all of those small towns in Georgia and Oklahoma.

    I believe that Oklahoma will definitely go for McCain in November, but Georgia may be competitive.

    My daddy was a Democrat… my granddaddy was a Democrat… my yellow dog was a Democrat…

  2. Senator Barack Obama is not a “far-leftist,” Steve. He is a center-left Democrat. If you want to see some “far-leftist” people, you should come to one of our Peace and Freedom Party meetings – some of the members fall into that category. As for me, though, I consider myself to be a Left Conservative (a la Norman Mailer).


    PS: When you attempt to win a debate by putting labels on people that do not really fit, you will not win the debate and you will just make things more confusing. That is one of the reasons that I do not make more time for the Third Party Watch website; there is too much of that sort of thing that goes on there. I don’t mind having the numbers against me but I do mind when so many people do not take the time to think through what they are going to write.

  3. A “Left Conservative”? That’s a new one on me.

    The most liberal member of the US Senate is not a far leftist? Obamanation wants our health care system– some 1/7 of the US economy– to be run by the same outfit that runs the IRS, FEMA, and the postal “service.”

    If we have socialized medicine, where will Canadians go for medical care?

  4. Steve,

    You should purchase a copy of “The Armies of the Night” by the late Norman Mailer. After reading that, you should read “Miami and the Siege of Chicago” by the same author. These books are two of the very best on modern United States politics. It is a real shame that Norman Mailer did not win the Nobel Prize for literature. Perhaps he will still win the prize posthumously.

    You believe in capitalism, Steve; I believe in socialism and communism. It is not likely that we will be able to come to an understanding about an economic/political system soon. Hopefully, we will still be on the same side of the barricades when the Revolution starts (which may be very soon now).


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