America's Independent Party Holds Electronic National Convention

On the evening of August 20, America’s Independent Party (the party formed by Alan Keyes, after he failed to get the Constitution Party nomination), held its national convention. The convention was on-line. It was moderated by Thomas Hoefling, who lives in Iowa, and lasted five hours. It started at 8 p.m. central time. The convention nominated Alan Keyes for president, but made no nomination for vice-president. Thanks to IndependentPoliticalReport for this news.


America's Independent Party Holds Electronic National Convention — 14 Comments

  1. Parties formed as a vehicle for one person to run usually don’t have a very long shelf life…but I doubt I’m writing anything here everyone doesn’t already know.

  2. Does holding this national convention mean that Alan Keyes will be on the ballot in Florida?

  3. America’s Independent Party is not about only one candidate or one election. That’s a misperception.

    Supporters of Alan Keyes banded together to form this party. We are Reagan Conservatives who have found no other party that promotes the issues we care about. So we formed a new party that does. That won’t change after the elections of 2008.

    The GOP may be a big tent, but the AIP will be a home for all true patriots. The foundation is our shared principles. Check them out at http://www.SelfGovernment.US

    We’ve just poured the foundation. If you’d like to help build the party and you agrees with our principles, come join in!

  4. Keyes hopes to qualify in Florida, but the state requires that a party be a “national party”, which is defined to be one that is on in two states. Keyes filed in Colorado as an independent, with no party label, so Colorado won’t count for the purpose of qualification in Florida.

  5. However, California should count for that purpose (if the California Secretary of State is not overturned in court).

    This should be lots of fun. Bob Barr and Alan Keyes will drive the Republicans crazy and Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader will do the same for the Democrats!

  6. California should not count for that purpose. America’s Independent Party and the American Independent Party are not the same thing.

  7. bolshevik-leninist,

    Why would that matter? Nader’s parties are called Ecology, Independent, Independence, and Peace?

  8. Peace and Freedom Party, also (which the Nader-Gonzalez campaign is assisting to help organize in other states beyond California and, thus, will become a national political party again).

    If the California Secretary of State’s decision holds up in court, the American Independent Party of California will be affiliated, nationally, with America’s Independent Party. Therefore, the difference between “n” and “‘s” will not make any difference. If there was no affiliation, it might not matter for Florida even if the names were identical. I do not know about the Florida law, so I could not really say on that point.

  9. Philipee, Philipee, Philipee:

    The nation of my birth is struggling to survive [with out taking too many of it’s neighbors with it] and you are focusing on ‘entertainment’? Aren’t you the one begging to turn rough and tumble politics into After noon High Tea —-and then you worry bout comedy? Strange……………..

  10. Thank you Darryl. If affiliation is the operating principle (which it should be), then the actual name does not (or should not) make any difference.

  11. “Why would that matter? Nader’s parties are called Ecology, Independent, Independence, and Peace?”

    The Independent Party and the Ecology Party have made it clear, even though they stupidly choose different names, that they are the same organization. The Peace Party has not stated that it’s affiliated to anyone and the Peace and Freedom Party certainly isn’t part of the Independent Party.

  12. bolshevik-leninist Says:
    August 23rd, 2008 at 7:43 pm
    “Why would that matter? Nader’s parties are called Ecology, Independent, Independence, and Peace?”
    … [snip] …

    Phil Sawyer responds: Peace and Freedom Party also.

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