Palin Voices Support for “Free and Fair” Elections

Sarah Palin gave an impromptu press conference at the Colorado Springs airport, on the evening of October 19. She said, “I believe that anybody that would try to thwart a fair and clean election is not following American principles because part of being an American is protecting and being able to rely on free and fair elections.” See here for the entire transcript.

One wishes that someone would ask her opinion about the actions of Pennsylvania Republican Party officials this year, who filed a lawsuit, with seven attorneys, to remove Bob Barr from the Pennsylvania ballot. That attempt failed to accomplish anything for the people who filed the challenge, and it created a useful precedent that will help minor party and independent candidates in the future.


Palin Voices Support for “Free and Fair” Elections — 6 Comments

  1. Palin’s stance on free and fair elections is commendable. Do you want more information on her stance on other issues?

    Here is a useful resource with lots of footage about Gov. Sarah Palin –

    It has the most comprehensive collection of video footage of Sarah Palin on the Internet. They have every nationally televised speech and interview she’s given since being selected, her VP debate with Biden, archival footage from her two years as governor that few have seen, and more.

  2. Is Palin a TOTAL air-head picked only because McCain could not find any other smarter politician woman — who wanted anything to do with him (McCain) ???

    What does Palin know about the Equal Protection Clause, the First Amdt, govt deficits, etc. etc. ???

    How many ANTI-equal ballot access laws are in the Alaska regime ???

    Is she demanding that the AK Legislature repeal such unequal laws ???

    See her IDIOT pre-school appearance on Saturday Night Live — par for the course in this New Age of IDIOTS for leaders — see the MORON-in-Chief as a prime example.

    Certain IRON Laws of Economics are taking over — regardless of the many decades of IDIOT so-called *leaders* in the U.S.A.

  3. Somewhat related news: The media watchdog organization “Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting” (FAIR) has recently blasted the news media for not providing decent coverage of third party presidential campaigns.

    See essay:

    This article was also sent as an e-mail message to the several thousand persons on the FAIR mailing list.

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