On the evening of April 6 (Monday), C-SPAN will air 90 minutes of Independent Voting’s morning panel of March 14, 2015. That C-SPAN program will air at 9:30 pm, eastern time. On the evening of April 7, at 10:40 pm, eastern time, C-SPAN will air the afternoon panel.
The morning panel included Paul Johnson (former Mayor of Phoenix), Joan Blades (founder of Moveon.org), Dr. Lenora Fulani, and Tio Hardiman, who ran for Illinois Governor in the Democratic primary last year.
The afternoon panel had Johnson, Rob Richie of Fairvote, John Opdycke of IndependentVoting, Chad Peace of the California Independent Voters Project, Harry Kresky of IndependentVoting, and Michael Hardy of IndependentVoting.
The leaders of IndependentVoting, for the most part, were once leaders of the New Alliance Party.
Chad Peace of the California Independent Voter’s Project? This is the son of Steve Peace of that organization who is yet still promoting what he calls the “success” of Top Two. Sure hope CSPAN’s broadcast doesn’t include yet more allegations that Top Two is so wonderful!
Is NAP still around in any form?
The words “New Alliance Party” were never uttered by any speaker at the all-day meeting, not even by the people on the panel who were once its leaders. The party has a history of accomplishment but the people who made those accomplishments seem to want to erase any memory of their party.