Proponent of Nevada Top-Two Bill Believes that the Bill Will Not Advance This Year

Doug Goodman, the Nevada activist most responsible for the Nevada bill for a top-two system, here writes in his blog that he has been told that the bill will not advance in this session. There is some reason to believe that the bill’s top-two provisions will be amended out of SB 499, and replaced by provisions moving the deadline for new parties to submit petitions from April to a later month.


Proponent of Nevada Top-Two Bill Believes that the Bill Will Not Advance This Year — 5 Comments

  1. Being a Republican (as stated in his own website), it is no wonder that James Ogle thinks Top Two is a positive step!
    It is to be hoped for the sake of the voters of Nevada, “third party” and independent candidates everywhere, and true “positive steps” for electoral reform that this bill not only does not advance this year but that it never advances.

  2. Let’s just end primaries and use other methods for electing people in November. Ranked Voter Choice may be one option. Very few voters pay attention in the primary to candidates and issues. The general election is where the action is. Top Two is a bad idea and you’d think that if the Republicans believed in the free market they wouldn’t be supporting this idea. Top Two is just a way to eliminate the competition.

  3. GOOD. Top Two should fail to advance indefinitely, and be repealed where it already exists. The kind of election reform we really need is proportional representation and/or ranked-choice voting.

  4. Under Top Two, which was approved by the majority of us voters in California, us Republicans are uniting with all parties (and independents), to make ballot access and electoral voting systems fair and equal to all.

    Not only do we promote the use of advanced algebra in the “real” elections, but the USA and International Parliaments also provide a perfect practice field for our enjoyment and yours.

    Check out the 9th USA Parliament, our 15 candidates for US President and Vice President in 2016 here:

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