Scottish National Party Favors Proportional Representation for Great Britain

The Scottish National Party wants to convert elections for the British House of Commons to proportional representation, according to this story. The story also reports on the attitudes of the British Labour and Conservative Parties toward proportional representation.


Scottish National Party Favors Proportional Representation for Great Britain — 3 Comments

  1. Impressive for the SNP leader to swim against the political urge for self preservation of power.

  2. Perhaps not so crazy. If SNP ran everywhere (including England, Wales and Ulster) they might get more seats under a PR system than under FPTP in just Scotland.

  3. Unlikely – but the FPTP system has worked AGAINST the SNP at every election bar (it seems probable) the coming one. Sturgeon’s attitude is impressive however when compared with the Labour Party whose attitude to PR is solely based on self-interest.

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