Dallas Morning News Story Suggests Upcoming Fox Republican Presidential Debate Could Provide Basis for Court Case Over Natural Born Requirement

This Dallas Morning News story raises the idea that the upcoming August 6, 2015 Republican presidential debate could provide a means for a court challenge over the meaning of Article II’s “natural born citizen” requirement for President. If Fox is limiting the debate to the top ten Republicans, and Ted Cruz is one of those ten, the article says conceivably whoever is eleventh might have standing to contest whether Cruz qualifies. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.


Dallas Morning News Story Suggests Upcoming Fox Republican Presidential Debate Could Provide Basis for Court Case Over Natural Born Requirement — 4 Comments

  1. Ted Cruz is not a natural born citizen. The watershed of the
    Elbow River has not been part of Territory of Michigan since

    Ted Cruz was naturalized under a collective naturalization
    act that gave him a second class of citizenship not covered
    under the 14th Amendment effective on 10 October 1978. He
    has not yet been naturalized in the State of Texas under the
    Texas naturalization law of 1869 as covered under the Texas
    Constitution of 1876.

    Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, The big question is why
    a naturalized non 14th Amendment second class citizen running
    for an office he can not hold, viz., POTUS!?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Chairman,
    American Independent Party of California

  2. NBC = ALLEGIANCE to regime at BIRTH — via Father’s nation state allegiance.

    Naturalization = CHANGE in regime allegiance AFTER birth – generally after becoming an adult (18).

    PLACE of birth means ZERO.

    Too many MORONS to count.

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