
Donald Trump Says He Would Run Outside Major Parties If Republican Party is Unfair to Him — 12 Comments

  1. Trump has not even consider ballot access for a second and is clueless in most regards.

  2. LP on in 31, 32 soon.
    A Self funded candidate (No Debt).
    Ballot access for 4 years where the Presidential Candidate is a part of the access law.

    Think of the Possibilities…

    Trump/Root ’16
    OK, No.
    Trump/A Ham Sandwich?
    Trump/Trump’s “hair”?

  3. Natural Born Citizen
    Party National Committee

    50 million 2016 POTUS CINC candidate electors NBCP vetting each and every aspect of the 2016 election cycle.

  4. Do you suppose he was going to go Independent all along? No, he wouldn’t pull a stunt like that. (Nuge. Nuge. Wink. Wink.)

  5. Hey Richard Winger, Can you post a chart for What is required for Independent Presidential Candidates?

    Would be great to see just what he would need, if he didn’t get the Libertarian (or Republican) Nod.

  6. People who subscribe to the print Ballot Access News already have that chart. It is in the July 1 2015 issue. It’s only $16 per year, for 12 issues.

  7. Texas statute prevents a candidate who runs in a presidential primary from subsequently running as an independent. So for Trump to run as an independent in Texas he would not be able to be in the primary, which would mean he would have to make his decision before early December.

  8. The 9th USA Parliament would wholeheartedly welcome Honorable Donald Trump [Republican] to our team. We welcome all POTUS candidates, all they would need to do to qualify is vote using ranked choice voting (RCV) to elect their own name, or have another one of our already elected 15 names to vote for him.

    The USA and International Parliaments are able to unite with the 100% because the unifying voting system is confidence building and mathematically fair to all. It’s a dry mathematical system that factors every vote on an at-large district in such perfection that this election voting system hasn’t been improved in more than 100 years.

    The USA Parliament has been using pure proportional representation (PR) for 20 consecutive years and the International Parliament has used it for almost two years and it works fine:

  9. One more minority rule EXTREMIST robot party hack Prez in 2017 — due to the minority rule math of the super timebomb Electoral College ???

  10. logo

    – JULY 24 2015 –

    Dear Natural Born Citizen Party National Committee:

    Have you seen today’s poll? What about this Fox poll? We are in first place! All the polls confirm it! We continue to prove we are ready to take our country back and, more than any other candidate; we have the support of the people.

    Yesterday I traveled to Laredo, Texas to visit the border and meet with local law enforcement officials. We discussed the need for stronger border security and the importance of continuing the national discussion on this issue. Strengthening our border will most benefit legal immigrants and working class Americans. Continuing to allow illegal immigrants to cross a weak border is hurting America’s economy.

    Many politicians in Washington talk about the border but have no idea how dangerous it really is. I went to the border to make sure the American people have the opportunity to see the truth.

    Meeting with Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz, City Manager Jesus Olivares, and the Laredo Police Department

    Earlier this week I hosted my South Carolina campaign kickoff. Hundreds of veterans came to watch my speech. I announced the launch of a new hotline, 855 – VETS – 352, and email address,, for Veterans to share their stories about the need to reform our Veterans Administration. The way veterans are being treated in our country is a disgrace and I am the candidate that will fix it.

    Meeting with veterans in South Carolina

    I made a campaign stop in Nevada to speak at Freedom Fest. In front of 2,000 energized conservatives I made a pledge that I will remake today; as President I will restore the American free market and ensure that companies are incentivized to bring factories and jobs back to American soil.

    Speaking at Freedom Fest

    I also traveled to Phoenix to host a rally. 15,000 people showed up. It was an incredible testament to the deep commitment of the American people to restoring American greatness. We have stayed silent for far too longwatching bad policies wreak havoc on our economy and our nation. I will take care of our veterans, rebuild our military, and secure our borders.

    Our incredible crowd in Phoenix, AZ

    Most politicians would have backed down after being relentlessly targeted by the media. I will never stop speaking out on behalf of all Americans.

    We have been bringing our message across America over the past several weeks. In California I met with the families of six victims who were killed by illegal aliens. Each family shared their story. It was a heartbreaking reminder of why we must secure our border – to make sure no more Americans are senselessly killed by illegal aliens.

    Our unprotected border is a threat to the stability of our economy, the personal safety of Americans, and our national security. Too many American lives have been lost because our leaders refuse to secure the border.

    Standing with the families of victims

    I also filed my FEC financial disclosure form. I have spent my life building businesses in large American cities and small American towns. I will use my experience to put Americans back to work – and the polls prove that the people know I am the only one who can do it.

    Some of our enthusiastic supporters

    This campaign is about changing Washington. We need to once again have a government that is of the people, for the people and by the people.

    We will make America Great Again!

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