Kentucky Republican Party May Use Presidential Primary Rather than Caucus

Kentucky election laws provide presidential primaries in May to any party that received 20% of the vote in the last presidential election. But earlier this year, the Executive Committee of the Kentucky Republican Party voted tentatively not to use the presidential primary, and instead set up a caucus in March.

However, the full party state central committee makes the final decision about that on August 22. According to this story, the party is leaning away from a caucus. The idea for a caucus had originated with supporters of U.S. Senator Rand Paul. Paul must run for re-election to the U.S. Senate next year, and his name can’t appear on the presidential primary ballot if he is simultaneously running for the Senate nomination. Thanks to Doug McNeil for the link.


Kentucky Republican Party May Use Presidential Primary Rather than Caucus — 3 Comments

  1. Hi,Richard,
    I think you misspoke. While Kentucky does have statewide elections this year, US Senate is not one of them. That will be next year.

  2. How many States have the ONE elective office restriction — esp. regarding Prez stuff (i.e. the chaos stuff regarding the timebomb Electoral College) ???

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