District of Columbia Bill to Lower Voting Age to 16

Three city councilmembers in Washington, D.C., have introduced B21-0468. It would lower the voting age to 16 for all office. The authors are David Grosso, an independent; and two Democrats, Brianne Nadeau and Charles Allen.

The bill was introduced November 3, 2015, and is pending in the Judiciary Committee. See this story. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


District of Columbia Bill to Lower Voting Age to 16 — 4 Comments

  1. Gee – how soon before the Donkeys want kids 1 second old be able to vote ???

    i.e. one more step on the long road to Civil WAR II — Donkey communists vs Elephant fascists ??? Duh.

  2. A bit over-dramatic in this case, Demo Rep. I think lowering the age to 16 makes some sense, especially if the 16 year old is employed. If they’re working and paying taxes, then they have a direct stake in how the country is being run (in addition being citizens), and hence ought to have the right to vote despite not being 18 yet.

    One thing that should happen if the voting age were lowered to 16 is the introduction of unbiased civics/government classes in the Freshman year of high school, so that if they go to the polls, they are well informed about the Constitution and other such basic information.

  3. In neighboring Maryland in 2003 there was a humorous and unintentional situation where some 16-year-olds were legally allowed to vote. But almost none of them did.

  4. History note — in the DARK AGE, 12 year old males in England were deemed old enough to be required to take an oath to the monarchy regime — and have to go to war (carrying arms for older troops).

    How much civics stuff about New Age ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymanders ???

    This is the New Age of EXTREMIST politics — getting quite ready for Civil WAR II —
    think the Clinton/Sanders vs. Trump/Cruz juvenile PUNK brains/mouths.

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