Fifteen Candidates File Petitions for Indiana Presidential Primaries

January 26 is the deadline for presidential primary candidates to file petitions in Indiana. Indiana requires 4,500 signatures. Eleven Republicans and four Democrats filed petitions. The signatures will now be checked.

The four Democrats are: Clinton, De La Fuente, O’Malley, and Sanders.

The eleven Republicans are: Bush, Carson, Christie, Cruz, Fiorina, Huckabee, Kasich, Paul, Rubio, Santorum, and Trump.

Assuming all petitions are valid, this will easily be the most crowded Republican presidential primary ballot in Indiana history. The previous record for Republicans in Indiana was only four names. The number has been low in the past because Indiana has among the nation’s most difficult presidential primary petition requirements, and also because the primary is in May, later than most. Indiana has been holding presidential primaries starting in 1956.

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