Carole Strayhorn Files Ballot Access Lawsuit Against Texas

On March 24, Carole Strayhorn, independent candidate for Governor of Texas, filed a lawsuit in federal court in Austin over some ballot access rules. The case was assigned to Judge Sam Sparks. Strayhorn v Williams, A06-ca205.

The lawsuit argues that the state should permit independent candidates to file supplemental petitions, after the first batch has been turned in. The lawsuit also argues that the state may not arbitrarily refuse to use the random sampling method that is already provided for in state law. For some reason, a few weeks ago, the Texas Secretary of State said he would not use random sampling this year for independent candidate petitions, and he also ruled that once signatures have been turned in, no more signatures will be accepted, even if the deadline lies in the future. There is no statutory authorization for such a rule.


Carole Strayhorn Files Ballot Access Lawsuit Against Texas — 1 Comment

  1. I am curious to know why the petitions can not be turned up until the dead-line, is it because the Texas Sec. of State is tied in w/the Governor whom is trying to get this TX corridor passed, which is doing so carefully and deceitfully behind the backs of so many unsuspecting Texans? The Governor may think he has pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes but there are plenty of us out here who can see things very clearly & will do all we can to get the rest of Texas to take “the wool caps off”

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