
Mitt Romney Says if the Major Party Nominees are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, He will Vote “Other” — 4 Comments

  1. That’s funny! A lot of people felt exactly the same way about HIS nomination.

  2. Much as Romney will be remembered 10 or 12 years from now – “…that ‘other’ guy who ran for president. Who was he again?”

  3. My big problem is with whar the interviewer Mark Halperin of Bloomberg said in asking the question, “what will you do in the general election if those are your onky two choices?” according to my March 2016 Ballot Access News if Ronmey votes as a Utah resident he would have at least 4 choices of presidential candidates, those of the Green, Libertarian ,Demicratic and Republican parties. As a journalist covering politics Mr Halperin should kniw that there are more than two choices for president and His managemnt at Bloomberg should be embarrased by what appears to be gross ignorance or worse.

  4. I never thought I would agree with Romney, but I will never vote for an oligarch like Trump or a liberal like Hillary.

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