Group of Dissident Republicans Wants to Persuade Condoleezza Rice to be Independent Presidential Candidate

The group of Republican donors and activists who want an independent presidential candidate to enter the race have determined that their best hope is to persuade Condoleezza Rice to be that independent. See this story.

Rice was born in 1954, and is seven years younger than Hillary Clinton and eight years younger than Donald Trump. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Group of Dissident Republicans Wants to Persuade Condoleezza Rice to be Independent Presidential Candidate — 12 Comments

  1. Excellent…a three way race among three of the most accomplished liars available.

  2. Let’s do it this way, shall, we? I’ll eliminate one candidate, then you another, unit we whittle the field down to one.

    Out: Ted Cruz.


    Oh wait, wait, wait…is Jimbo Riley in the running? If so, he’s my first pick to put off of the island.

    Otherwise, Cruz.

  3. Brad, I’ve voted in every presidential election since 1972. With one or two exceptions, I’ve had to make a choice between “oh geez…not that one” and “OMG…NFW I vote for THAT one!”

    In none of them did I decide that I should vote for a can of tomato soup to register my disgust with the duopoly. I chose from the viable alternatives given to me. And in this case, Cruz is the last of the ones standing who I would vote for.

    So what’s your point? My point is this – Among the most likely Republican and Democratic candidates – Trump and Clinton – and C. Rice, there is not one person isn’t stained by a long history of pathological lying.

    You remember the “We would have moved heaven and earth” shite, don’t you? And certainly you know that while some candidates like Clinton hide behind the cover of redacted evidence provided by the Bush administration, Rice absolutely did see all of the bullshit evidence, and helped cheer us into a three trillion dollar war? And all that time he lied through her teeth…

    So…if I don’t satisfy your curiosity and name the least repugnant candidate among those who are left, Rice is not a liar? Is that your point?

    OK, then. I’ll vote for Brad M.

    Is that where my money goes?

  4. I’ll send you my pay pal details shortly.

    My question was very straight forward:

    “Who do you wish to see in the White House?”

    I didn’t ask who among the remaining candidates in the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian and Green primaries you would vote for. Your person doesn’t have to be a candidate.

    For what it is worth here is my list of declared or nearly were declared candidates (warts and all) that I’d provide support and my vote. Not necessarily in this pecking order:

    M. Bloomberg/M. Mullen – IND
    J. Webb – DEM
    G. Johnson – LIB
    J. Stein – GRN
    J. Kasich – REP

    I’ve provided financial support to 3 of the 5 of these candidates as well.

  5. If this happened, the fact that a well known Republican was running as an independent and aided and abetted by Republicans just to throw a wrench at her former party’s presidential nominee would make the GOP look even worse than it is now. Personally I had not thought that the establishment could sink any lower, but this would be it. Go for it!

  6. Trump has run before 2016. In 2000 he ran in the Reform Party presidential primaries in California and Michigan. He won both primaries but then decided to drop out of the race.

  7. I want a pony

    I want Jill Stein as President

    But I want a pony

    But I want Jill Stein as President

    I said I want a pony

    And I said I want Jill Stein as President. And I’m going to hold my breath to prove it!

    Now…which of us gets what we want first, Brad?

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