Plunderbund, Ohio Politics Blog, Publicizes John Kasich’s Treatment of Ohio Libertarian Party with Kasich’s Own Ballot Access Woes in Pennsylvania

Plunderbund, an Ohio politics blog since 2005, has this story linking John Kasich’s elimination of his Libertarian opponent for Governor in 2014 to Kasich’s own petition troubles this month in Pennsylvania. Kasich’s campaign admits it didn’t submit enough valid signatures in Pennsylvania to be on the Republican presidential primary. Whether he appears on the Pennsylvania ballot depends on whether the challenge to his petition was submitted on time or not. A court ruling is expected soon. The challenger filed the challenge at 5:13 p.m. on the last day for challenges. The law does not say the challenge must be filed by 5 p.m. but Kasich argues that it implies 5 p.m.


Plunderbund, Ohio Politics Blog, Publicizes John Kasich’s Treatment of Ohio Libertarian Party with Kasich’s Own Ballot Access Woes in Pennsylvania — 1 Comment

  1. I live in PA and the whole challenge thing here really stinks. That said, I hope Kasich gets it crammed right up his bum vent so he can finally see how it feels. What goes around comes around!

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