Allen Levene Runs for U.S. House in Republican Primaries in 2016 in Two States

A Georgia resident, Allen Levene, has filed to be on the Republican primary ballots for U.S. House in two different states this year. He will be on the May 24 Georgia primary ballot in the Fourteenth district and also the August 7 Tennessee primary ballot for the Third district. See this story.


Allen Levene Runs for U.S. House in Republican Primaries in 2016 in Two States — 4 Comments

  1. Art. I

    2: No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

    Will the stunt moron very quickly change his *Inhabitant* status if he somehow wins the primary in Tenn. ???

  2. Hillary did it when she ran for Senate from New York. She didn’t live there. She was merely required to move there before being sworn in. In my state, a candidate must be a registered voter, so this couldn’t happen here. I guess that isn’t the case in either TN or GA.

  3. The Ninth and Tenth Circuits have ruled that states cannot require candidates for Congress to be registered voters. The cases were from California and Colorado. Both states then appealed to the US Supreme Court, but the US Supreme Court refused to hear the state appeals. The 1995 US Supreme Court decision US Term Limits v Thornton says states cannot add to the qualifications to run for federal office, so the Ninth and Tenth circuits said, therefore, states can’t require congressional candidates to be registered voters.

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