Fairvote and Congressman Don Beyer to Hold Meeting in U.S. Capitol on Congressional Gerrymandering

Fairvote and Congressman Don Beyer (D-Virginia) are holding a public hearing inside the U.S. Capitol on Friday, April 22, in the congressional hearing room at 2318 Rayburn Building. The subject is congressional gerrymandering and what can be done to limit it. The public is invited. The hearing room holds 100 people. Probably no advance reservation is required, but if you wish to attend and wish to guarantee yourself a seat, call Fairvote at 301-270-4616 and ask for Michelle. The meeting is 10 a.m. and lasts one hour.

Congressman Beyer is in his first term and represents the 8th district, adjacent to Washington, D.C.


Fairvote and Congressman Don Beyer to Hold Meeting in U.S. Capitol on Congressional Gerrymandering — 7 Comments

  1. Save Democracy from the gerrymander OLIGARCHS who meet and pick a MONARCH / DICTATOR Speaker HACK.

    Basic P.R.

    Party Seats = Total Seats x Party Votes / Total Votes

    The USA is in a de facto CIVIL WAR II state of affairs due to the many perversion opinions by SCOTUS making the States de facto DEAD — esp. since 1936 — a mere 80 years.

    Thus the gerrymander hacks in both houses of the gerrymander Congress making special interest gang laws to control the USA and attempting to control the world.

  2. Here is my thought on the congressional district controversy: The Founders designed a federal system of government, with powers divided among the central government, the respective state governments, and the people. Among the protections of the federal system against a centralizing tendency were the electoral college, election of senators by the legislatures, and state control over the drawing of House districts. They INTENDED for the legislatures to draw those districts in ways to punish representatives who acted against the interests of their states. In other words, I consider so-called “gerrymandering” to be, not an aberration, but the expectation in our federal system. Gerrymandering is GOOD, because it is the only federalist protection left, now that presidential electors are chosen on the basis of the popular vote, and senators have been directly elected for the past century.

  3. Gerrymander math for the clueless —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 pack/crack rigged gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL.

    aka Minority Rule – aka OLIGARCHY – always tending towards MONARCHY —
    i.e. every EVIL rotted killer king/queen in world history in the last 5,000 plus years.

    NONSTOP minority rule gerrymander regimes in the USA since 1776
    — regardless of ALL of the brainwashing of the public by the usual suspects — the rotted public schools, the brain dead media, etc.

    Basic P.R. —
    Party Seats = Total Seats x Party Votes / Total Votes.

    aka Majority Rule aka DEMOCRACY — i.e. party responsibility for the LAWS (i.e. the effects of such laws).
    I.E. SOME attempt to get the attention of the *MEDIAN* voter.
    The limited legislative, executive and judicial powers of the USA regime have been perverted by the robot party hacks in SCOTUS since the Civil War and esp. since 1936 –
    i.e. the APPOINTMENT of such SCOTUS hacks by gerrymander Prez hacks and confirmed by gerrymander Senate hacks.

    Political SCIENCE has moved on since the DARK AGE.

    The 1776-1787 political structure stuff is ALL LATE DARK AGE — the then thought best – but full of timebomb defects.

  4. The founding fathers didn’t have any particular expectation that state legislatures would draw US House boundaries. Many states in the early years of the US elected US House members at-large. The first US House election, for the First Congress, had at-large elections in these states: All five Connecticut members were elected at-large. Delaware only had one member. New Hampshire elected all three of its members at-large. New Jersey elected all four of its members at-large. Pennsylvania elected all eight of its members at-large.

  5. Each State has been a gerrymander area for federal election purposes since 1788-1789.

    At large elections obviously can result in 49.99 percent minorities getting NO *real* representation.

    The average gerrymander hack gets about 60-62 percent of the votes in each rigged gerrymander district.
    i.e. 1/2 of the 60-62 = about 30 percent indirect minority rule.

    See the recent gerrymander election results on the FEC library page —


    Federal Elections [YEAR]

    Now only about 15 of 435 USA Rep seats are *competitive* (mainly by accident) and perhaps 5 States in each Senate election.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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