William Kristol Meets with Mitt Romney, Seeking Romney’s Support for an Independent Presidential Candidate

This Washington Post story says that William Kristol met with Mitt Romney on May 5. Kristol is trying to recruit a Republican-leaning independent presidential candidate.


William Kristol Meets with Mitt Romney, Seeking Romney’s Support for an Independent Presidential Candidate — 13 Comments

  1. Gee – Is Kristol one the Elephant monsters who have caused endless disasters —
    undeclared wars and INSANE national debts ???

    Donkeys love it — DIVIDE and CONQUER — been working for thousands of years.

  2. A re-treaded Republican to run as an Independent for President in hopes of winning in four, five or six states and coming in third and then getting elected by Republicans in the House of Representatives voting by the unit rule. Sketchy. Does it matter who the Senate picks for Veep? Sketchier and sketchier.

  3. The new Senate COULD be Democratic and each Senator gets a vote rather than each state getting a vote. What a wonderful situation IF the House elected the Establishment Republican independent candidate from the top three but the Senate elected the Democrat from the top two finishers! What a truly bi-partisan government! A split Congress AND a split administration! Gridlock! The American Dream!!

  4. ROC N ROL. from a 3 day old Constitutional Independent: I’m looking for serious people that want a constitutional government, people that want to actually win seats in Congress, and get something done to save our country. Regrettably what I see here is the standard whining and drivel. Are there any real people out there that want to:

  5. Here is a message that I placed (yesterday) in a prior post on this website:

    “Here is a message that I posted on Facebook on 5-5-16: ‘To all decent, good, patriotic, Republicans in California: Now that the Republican Party race is pretty much over, you still have a chance to help make a real difference this year. Please consider changing your voter registration to the Democratic Party right away so that you can cast your presidential vote for U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders on June 7, 2016. The Democratic Party is still a “big tent” political party (like the Republican Party used to be when we baby boomers were coming of age in the 60’s and 70’s). The Democratic Party is the oldest and largest political party in our beautiful, great country. It has room for people of many political persuasions — from democratic socialists, social democrats, and liberals on the left to moderates and pragmatists in the center to fiscal conservatives and social conservatives on the right. What do you have to lose? The Republican Party is well on the way to becoming a truly minor-sized political party. Sure, you could change to the American Independent Party or the Libertarian Party. However, I do think that most Republicans would be more comfortable in the Democratic Party.’”

  6. The current Congress by state is 33 GOP, 14 Demo, and 3 Tied. There’s no way a state that votes for Trump or Indy GOP will ever vote in a deadlock for Hillary/Bernie. Indy GOP will take at least four states. Mitt would take many more than that.

  7. So it’s perfectly fine for Jeb to discard the pledge he made to the Republican Party to support the nominee. But it was a requirement for DJT to sign it. Typical of the Bushes and Clintons – lies and obfuscation is SOP.

    Here’s a fascinating read of why Scott Adams (Dilbert’s creator) is convinced Trump wins in a landslide –


    PS. The corollary of Adams’ argument (that voters are irrational) is why the LP and CP approach of using logic, reason, truth and principles to win elections is doomed to failure.

  8. I can understand the stand the Bushes, et al, are taking against Trump. I would have possibly supported Trump in November. Then, he accused Cruz’s father of being involved in the JFK assassination. That is beyond despicable.

  9. Michael- How can you say that? Do you have proof that he is wrong? The Warren Commission findings are still sealed.

  10. Michael – Trump did NOT accuse Cruz’s father of being involved in the JFK assassination. He repeated a story that was circulating on alternative media for the last few weeks that was picked up by the National Enquirer. The story was that Cruz’s father was photographed by the FBI handing out leaflets in New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald in the summer of 1963. Both were involved in the anti-Castro movement that had its base in New Orleans. Others in that activist group have said the Rafael Cruz was acquainted with LHO, which is the ONLY thing Trump said. Rafael Cruz has never answered questions about that time of his life. The insinuation of many of the alternative media reports is that Cruz Sr. was a CIA operative.

    Whatever you think about Jim Garrison, the Warren Commission was a whitewash. The US House Committee on Assassinations concluded that the JFK assassination was the result of a conspiracy, and was not the result of a lone wolf (LHO). You need to stop reading the mainstream media and read books that tell the real story. Start with “The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government.”

  11. Don and CB/CO–talking false gossip is as bad as starting it. Trump is wrong and worse than despicable.

  12. Michael – you are the one you did the “talking false gossip” by claiming that Trump said anything about Cruz being involved with the JFK assassination. Here is the first sentence from a NY Times article –

    “Donald J. Trump, who has repeatedly dabbled in conspiracy theories during his time on the campaign trail, accused Senator Ted Cruz’s father of associating with Lee Harvey Oswald not long before Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy.”

    Words matter. “associating with” a person has nothing to do with conspiring with that person to commit a criminal act.

    The fact is Cruz’s father DID associate with LHO. You can deny it, but then you are free to deny any fact(s) in your decision for who to vote for. Quite frankly, I doubt you were going to vote for Trump anyway if that’s all it would take to make you change your vote.

  13. Yes, please run an independent candidate! I am a Ted Cruz supporter and would like a fine choice like Ted even though it seems he is out. I voted for Romney in 2012 – excellent candidate. Ben Sasse is another great choice!

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