The Guardian Carries Story on Prohibition Party

The Guardian, one of Great Britain’s leading newspapers, has this long article about the Prohibition Party and Jim Hedges, its presidential nominee this year. The story doesn’t mention that Great Britain also once had a thriving Prohibition Party, and the only time Winston Churchill ever lost an election, it was to a nominee of the Prohibition Party of Great Britain.

The story is erroneous when it says that Hedges’ two election victories for Township Assessor in Pennsylvania are the only instances in which the Prohibition Party has won any partisan elections since the 1920’s. The party won over 100 victories in partisan elections during the 1940’s and 1950’s, mostly in Kansas, but also some in Indiana, Michigan, and Oklahoma. The most important offices won in these partisan elections was County Clerk and Sheriff. Thanks to Phil Huckelberry for the link.


The Guardian Carries Story on Prohibition Party — 1 Comment

  1. Actually, Winston Churchill lost five elections for Parliament over his career. He did finish behind a Prohibitionist in 1922, but he also lost in four other elections:

    In 1899, he ran as a Conservative and lost to a Liberal.
    In 1908, he ran as a Liberal and lost to a Conservative.
    In 1923, he ran as a Liberal and lost to a Labourite.
    And in 1924, he ran as a Constitutionalist and lost to a Conservative.

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