Frank Fahrenkopf, of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Says it Isn’t Fair for Pollsters to Only Ask About Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Frank Fahrenkopf of the Commission on Presidential Debates is quoted in this article in The Hill as saying that it isn’t fair for general election presidential polls to only ask about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


Frank Fahrenkopf, of the Commission on Presidential Debates, Says it Isn’t Fair for Pollsters to Only Ask About Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton — 10 Comments

  1. Fahrenkopf is full of shit. I like the way Fahrekopf shifts the blame and “obligation” to the polling companies.

  2. I’ll agree with Fahrenkopf that polls should include more candidates — but so should the media include more reporting about more candidates and their issue positions . . . and so should CPD include at least any candidate who’s going to be on enough state ballots to be theoretically able to win the election. Maybe they could keep some percentage threshold (whether 15% or lower) as an alternative criterion, but since polling high probably has some relation to how much media coverage you get and/or can pay (or have paid) for, it shouldn’t be the main criterion.

    BTW, if Suffolk is really committed to including candidates from parties on the ballot for a majority of Electoral College votes, then by my count (based on the May print edition of _BAN_) the Greens should already be there with 21 states (including the District of Columbia) representing 289 EC votes. (Richard or somebody else, can you check me on that?) And that 289 total isn’t counting possible adds in such places as Georgia or Tennessee, for example.

    The math isn’t even *that* complicated for the Libertarians, since they’re on in a majority of states (32). The Constitutional Party shows in the May edition as having ballot access in 17 states — but not in eight of the top ten (only Florida and Michigan), so they’re probably not hitting half of the EC votes yet either.

  3. I feel that if a party is on enough state ballots to acquire the 270 electoral votes then they should be in the debate…honestly they should let parties who show enough interest nationwide to be in the debates…I would include the Libertarian, Green and Constitution parties.

  4. Looking back at the May print issue, I see those 17 Constitution Party states have 136 electoral votes — but I also see that the “CONSTI” column says the party has “finished” collecting signatures for New Jersey (14 electoral votes) and has 9,650 signatures in West Virginia (5) versus the candidate requirement of 6,705. And they’re in court in Kentucky (8) and Tennessee (11). If we add all those in, the total goes to 21 states and 174 electoral votes right there. Still not quite half the states, and a bit under 1/3 of the electoral votes — but a nationwide showing.

    (Sorry about the hasty typo on “Constitution Party”, BTW. Mind you, here in Michigan they’re stuck with the name they petitioned under before they affiliated with the national Constitution Party, the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan.)

    Maybe there’s room to argue that, once a third party has broken through on the majority front, other national parties need only get on in 1/3 of the states or states with 1/3 of the electoral votes — to be legitimate theoretical possibilities to finish third in a race with no majority winner, and thus to be included in the House of Representatives runoff.

  5. Open the debates to all Presidential candidates. The only correct way to go.

  6. this is to Frank Fahrankopf – I want to know why Matt Lauer was picked to be the moderator at the first debate between trump and Clinton? This man is a personal friend of Hillary’s and because of this there is a BIG CONFLICT OF INTEREST – Matt Lauer should not be the moderator. I would like to know how he was picked and why on earth would you pick someone who is affiliated with not only Hillary but the Clinton foundation? this is totally not fair and it only shows how prejudice your commission is – or is Hillary in charge of you too? The American people are extremely upset with the fact Hillary runs everyone, fbi, law enforcement, she seem to own you all – so is that why Matt Lauer was chosen? I just want to ad one more thing – our country is being controlled by a mafia type Clinton and Obama and there are too many people coming up dead who went against Hillary – I do believe she had something to do with these deaths and I want to know is that what you all are afraid of so you have to pick someone to moderate that will be easy on poor Hillary? you this guy is going to try and destroy trump – so I am asking you to please re-consider your choice and try to get someone not associated with either rcandidate.

  7. this is to Frank Fahrankopf – I want to know why Matt Lauer was picked to be the moderator at the first debate between trump and Clinton? This man is a personal friend of Hillary’s and because of this there is a BIG CONFLICT OF INTEREST – Matt Lauer should not be the moderator. I would like to know how he was picked and why on earth would you pick someone who is affiliated with not only Hillary but the Clinton foundation? this is totally not fair and it only shows how prejudice your commission is – or is Hillary in charge of you too? The American people are extremely upset with the fact Hillary runs everyone, fbi, law enforcement, she seem to own you all – so is that why Matt Lauer was chosen? I just want to ad one more thing – our country is being controlled by a mafia type Clinton and Obama and there are too many people coming up dead who went against Hillary – I do believe she had something to do with these deaths and I want to know is that what you all are afraid of so you have to pick someone to moderate that will be easy on poor Hillary? you this guy is going to try and destroy trump – so I am asking you to please re-consider your choice and try to get someone not associated with either rcandidate.

  8. To the Commission on Presidential Debates and Mr. Frank Fahrenkopf,
    Please include candidate Gary Johnson in the debates. The two party system has failed to produce candidates with character and integrity. Mr. Johnson has both and the people deserve to get to know Mr. Johnson. The people know enough about Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton to know we deserve a 3rd candidate.

    Thank you

  9. To the Commission on Presidential Debates and Mr . Frank Fahrankopf:
    What if in the final debate between the presidential candidates, nothing negative is allowed to be said about the other candidate? Each candidate may only speak about what he or she will will do, if elected. Let’s finally get a handle on how each candidate intends to address and solves the issues that this nation faces! Enough of all the verbal abuse that permeates this entire election.

  10. My late grandfather’s name is Willy Fahrenkopf. He married Ina Neely and my Mothers name was Juanita June Fahrenkopf. Both grandparents came from Illonois before moving to Tenino Washington way before I was born and before my mother was born. Grandfather was full blooded German. Would we be related?

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