Connecticut Will Automatically Register Every Adult Citizen Known to Exist

On May 17, Connecticut’s Secretary of State announced that the state will automatically register every adult citizen known to exist. Oddly, the new policy was never authorized by any bill in the legislature. See this story. Persons who say they don’t want to be registered to vote will be allowed to decline registration. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Connecticut Will Automatically Register Every Adult Citizen Known to Exist — 4 Comments

  1. One more LAWLESS COMMUNIST Donkey machination or what ???

    How about registering ALL persons (ages 0 to 200) on Mother Earth as being Electors in CT and other Donkey regimes ???

  2. This will improve the validity rate on petitions in Connecticut, and it will also help petition circulators gather more signature per hour on average.

  3. Curious if some Jehovah’s Witnesses Amish or Quakers would have standing saying being registered to vote without their consent is against their religious belief. Government that forces you to opt out rather than opt in is communist. Suppose you were put into welfare and you had to opt out? Suppose you were enrolled in your local community college and you had to opt out? Suppose you were given tyranny and you had to opt out?

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