Ross Douthat, the youngest regular New York Times columnist on politics, and a conservative, here laments that Mitt Romney didn’t decide to run as an independent presidential candidate this year.
Ross Douthat, the youngest regular New York Times columnist on politics, and a conservative, here laments that Mitt Romney didn’t decide to run as an independent presidential candidate this year.
Hmmm. THE token *conservative* in the NYT regime ???
TO RD — Abolish the Electoral College.
Uniform definition of Elector in ALL of the USA.
NONPARTISAN election of all elected executive officers and ALL judges.
Here is a message that I posted on Facebook just a little while ago this evening (5-19-16) in commenting about the upcoming California Primary Election on June 7, 2016: “The best thing to do is to register to vote as a member of the Democratic Party. That way, there will be no confusion about being able to vote for U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders for President of the United States of America. In addition, you will also be allowed to vote in any contested election for members of the Party’s County Central Committee in your district. Remember that May 23, 2016 is the deadline for the Primary Election in California. If you are registered to vote with any other ballot qualified political party in California, please come on over to our Party — especially you Republicans who want to make a real difference and do not support Mr. Trump. The Republican Party is well on its way to becoming a truly minor-sized political party. The Democratic Party is the oldest and largest political party in our beautiful, great country. It has room for people of many political persuasions — from democratic socialists, social democrats, and liberals on the left to moderates and pragmatists in the center to fiscal conservatives and social conservatives on the right. The Democratic Party is still a “big tent” political party (like the Republican Party used to be when we baby boomers were coming of age in the 60’s and 70’s). Please join the fresh new movement to bring about fantastic and wonderful changes to our society (and our world). You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!”
How soon before ONLY Donkeys are in CA — eating each other daytime and nighttime (equally, of course) ???