Laurence Kotlikoff, Economist and Expert on Social Security, Launches Write-in Presidential Candidacy

Laurence Kotlikoff, an economist, author, and expert on Social Security, has launched a write-in bid for President. He intends to file for declared write-in status in all states that have such a procedure. See this story. His web page is

He doesn’t seek campaign contributions, and would probably say he is running as a write-in so that he need not spend money on ballot access petitions. He is probably the best-known person ever to run for President in the general election and yet depend entirely on write-ins in all states.

Kotlikoff was also interested in running for President in 2012, and he sought the Americans Elect nomination that year. However, Americans Elect decided not to run anyone for President in 2012.


Laurence Kotlikoff, Economist and Expert on Social Security, Launches Write-in Presidential Candidacy — 7 Comments

  1. I thought that in 2012 Americans Election should have just given their ballot lines to one of the unknown candidates who made efforts at winning the nomination. Some of those people were really thoughtful.

  2. Americans Elect had a requirement that its candidate had to receive a certain number of votes in its on-line presidential primary. No candidate met the requirement.

  3. I feel like if they did a runoff vote between 2 or 3, they would have had a consensus nominee. It was kind of unnecessary to get on all of those ballots and throw it all away.

  4. Can Mr. K find a mere 270 write-in E.C. Electors (of 538) who ever heard of him ???

    ABOLISH the super time bomb E.C.

    NONPARTISAN elections of all elected executive officers and all judges — using Approval Voting – pending Number Votes and perhaps an App.V. tiebreaker (or vice versa).

  5. Well, he writes like he’s serious. However seriously anyone else takes him, his candidacy is at the least another argument for making sure we all know how to cast write-in votes at our own local polling places — and how to find out whether or not they are required to be counted, and whether or not they were.

  6. Chuck Dodd in his Meet the Press on Sunday May 29, 2016 opened his show by relating to the unprecedented
    enormous negative ratings of both of the presumptive nominees of both of the major political parties.

    This creates a vacuum, as a critical mass of the electorate is seeking to have additional options beyond
    what the somewhat flawed primary voting process in place in the US which to some is more of a beauty
    contest than an evaluation of of each party’s array of contenders.

    It may be of interest that Ronald Reagan’s son, Michael, recently cited that Ronald Reagan would not be
    nominated by the GOP of today.

    As nature abhors a vacuum, it is timely that a highly qualified and seasoned individual who served on the Reagan White House economic team has agreed to step forward to offer voters a choice of a candidate with strong core values.

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