
NBC News Presidential Poll Includes Four Candidates — 6 Comments

  1. I could wish that NBC weren’t saying it’s just using “the weekly election tracking poll . . . to explore the effects of third-party options on horserace results” — but it’s something, at least.

  2. How many TRILLIONS will Johnson and Stein get from Donkeys and Elephants respectively ???

    — in order to DIVIDE and CONQUER.

    See Lincoln in 1860 with about 39 percent of the popular votes >>> Civil WAR I in 1861-1865 with about 750,000 DEAD on both sides.

  3. Lincoln would have won the 1860 election even if all the votes cast for his opponents had been cast for a single candidate. Many states in 1860 had fusion slates of anti-Lincoln presidential elector candidates, so that in those states the anti-Lincoln popular vote was not split.

  4. Demo Rep I hope Juhnson gets TRILLIONS from Donkeys and Elephants. That would be great! From your keyboard to God’s ears.

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