Kansas Secretary of State Still Wants to Prevent Voters who Didn’t Provide Documentary Proof of Citizenship from Voting for State and Local Office

The Kansas Secretary of State has proposed a regulation that would have the result of preventing voters who didn’t provide documents proving citizenship from voting for state and local office. See this story.


Kansas Secretary of State Still Wants to Prevent Voters who Didn’t Provide Documentary Proof of Citizenship from Voting for State and Local Office — 4 Comments

  1. ALLEGIANCE chain via fathers back to 4 July 1776 — or earlier — Mass 19 Apr 1775 — Day 1 of the American Revolutionary War.

    Means ZERO to the EVIL LAWLESS Donkey monarch/oligarch forces
    — who LOVE having ILLEGAL folks in the USA voting for Donkeys
    — esp. in the minority rule gerrymander Congress.

    Has Civil WAR II already started ???

  2. Under Section 2 of the 14th Amendment (as modified by Amendments 15, 19, 24, and 26), that kind of denial or abridgement of the rights of eligible voters to vote should cost Kansas a proportional share of its US House representation — and the corresponding Electoral College votes.

  3. How many folks have legal EVIDENCE that they are citizens of the United States for ANY purpose ??? —

    esp. in 14th Amdt, Sec. 2.

    i.e. lots of BAD records going back to 4 July 1776 or even 1607 (formation of Jamestown, VA colony).

    i.e. all sorts of PURGES in 1776-1783 of Brit loyalists (and their under age 21 kids).

    How good are the records of STATE naturalizations in 1776-1789 before the first USA naturalization law in 1790 ???

  4. So if San Francisco allows illegals to vote in municipal elections then it should be extended to federal elections using your reasoning.

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