
Green Party Chooses National Ticket — 8 Comments

  1. How many TRILLIONS will the Greens get from the Trump gangsters in order to —

    DIVIDE and CONQUER in the gerrymander Electoral College ???

    to get P-O-W-E-R in the USA regime with ALL of its many FATAL defects —
    minority rule gerrymanders
    all sorts of MAJOR violations of separation of powers – esp. Prez law vetoes and Prez pardons.

    ARMIES of rotted EVIL left/right lawyers LOVE subverting constitutions via such defects.

  2. How do you gerrymandering the electoral college dude? It’s based on population and state boundaries… Seriously you do nothing but bitch and complain about shit, and then prove, repeatedly, that you have absolutely no clue what your talking about. You criticize but clearly have no clue what you’re even criticizing.

  3. Demo Rep you are dead wrong in thinking that huge sums of money are given to the third parties by the Republicans and Democrats in order to divide and conquer. If that has happened please site one instance of who received what amount of money on what date from which political party.

    Thank you for writing in a manner that can actually be understood.

  4. And, of course, in 2004, the Democrats tried like the dickens to take and/or keep Ralph Nader off of as many state ballots as possible.

  5. Each AREA in the rotted to the core Electoral College *structure* is a gerrymander AREA.

    1/2 or less votes x AREAS having the 270 E.C. Votes is/will be about 30 percent of the total votes = OLIGARCHY gerrymander RESULT.

    Gerrymander USA Rep districts in use for the E.C. in ME and NE in 2016. Can be many more depending on the robot hacks in the States controlled by the Elephant robot party hacks.

    Too many math MORONS who do NOT understand or care about ANTI-Democracy gerrymander math — esp. the super math MORONS in the brain dead media.

    Abolish the super time bomb Electoral College and ALL of the other rotted monarchy/oligarchy parts of the nearly dead 1787 USA Const.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    P.R. came along in the 1840s — after the various gerrymander structures in the State and USA regimes were very entrenched — even more entrenched than divine right of kings in the 1500s in the late DARK AGE.

  6. Due to the rotted to the core Publik Skooooools there are armies of math, law and history MORONS.

    It shows nonstop in the brain dead know-it-all media with its 1 second attention spans —

    I.E. the media wanting a TYRANT Prez — to only do good, of course — i.e. be *politically correct* in all A-Z actions.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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