Rocky De La Fuente and Jill Stein Will be Co-Plaintiffs in New Oklahoma Ballot Access Lawsuit

Rocky De La Fuente’s ballot access lawsuit against the Oklahoma presidential petition was dismissed on July 29 for inactivity, but an experienced ballot access attorney expects to re-file the case on August 8. Jill Stein will also be a plaintiff. Oklahoma requires an independent presidential candidate, or the presidential nominee of an unqualified party, to submit 40,047 valid signatures by July 15. Yet the state requires substantially fewer signatures for new parties. They need 24,745 valid signatures. Another strange characteristic of Oklahoma law is that an independent candidate for an office other than President needs no petition at all, just a filing fee. The U.S. Supreme Court said in Anderson v Celebrezze that states must go easier on independent presidential candidates than independent candidates for other office.


Rocky De La Fuente and Jill Stein Will be Co-Plaintiffs in New Oklahoma Ballot Access Lawsuit — 3 Comments

  1. North Carolina..


    I agreed to have “The Green Party” and “Jill Stein” join me as be Co-Plaintiffs in my North Carolina Ballot Access Lawsuit.

    Texas you “R” next


    California ….Alex Padilla …. Please respond to the court and expedite “Fair Ballot Access” in California for “We the People”

    and for all Californian. Thank You

    “Rocky” Roque De La Fuente …… a Native from San Diego, California

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