Michigan Asks Sixth Circuit to Allow the State to Omit Straight-Ticket Device

On August 10, attorneys for Michigan asked the Sixth Circuit to reverse the order of a U.S. District Court Judge in the lawsuit titled “Michigan State A. Philip Randolph Institute v Johnson,” 16-2115. Michigan’s legislature had repealed the straight-ticket device early in 2016. The U.S. District Court Judge last month said removing the device would injure black voters, and ordered the state to leave the device in place.

The state is also asking for an expedited decision from the Sixth Circuit.


Michigan Asks Sixth Circuit to Allow the State to Omit Straight-Ticket Device — 2 Comments

  1. How many COMMAND orders from the Elephant HQ to stop Donkey voters from voting by any means necessary ???
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. I’d have to side with the Republicans on this one… requiring that people actually read the ballot and check off 20 boxes instead of just one is by no means an “undue burden.”

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