Detroit News Endorses Gary Johnson for President

The September 29 Detroit News has this endorsement of Gary Johnson for President. The Detroit News is one of the two daily newspapers in Detroit.

Also, the print New York Times of September 28 has an op-ed by Gary Johnson. The title in the print edition is “The Party That Offers Real Choice”, but the title on-line is “Take a deep breath voters; there is a third way.” Thanks to Warren Redlich for the Detroit News link.


Detroit News Endorses Gary Johnson for President — 11 Comments

  1. A very interesting development (and not just in the old Arte Johnson sense).

    It would be even more interesting if the city’s other daily, the Detroit Free Press, endorsed Jill Stein. (Or even the Metro Times.) But I’m not holding my breath.

  2. He probably does and he probably could have named the country. Theresa May, the new British Prime Minister, is so new, probably very few U.S. residents could name her if asked.

  3. As a Libertarian myself the only person I would name if posed this same question is Justin Trudeau… from the Liberal Party in Canada.

    Every other “leader” (I take this to many anyone in an executive or executive-like position) on the planet is an incompetent moron.

  4. 1) How many newspapers have endorsed third party candidates for president thus far? 2) Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

  5. Gary Johnson could have said he admires the political leadership of Portugal very much, because Portugal decriminalized all drugs. And then he could have added that he doesn’t know which particular leaders in Portugal are responsible for that.

  6. I am supporting Gary Johnson no matter whaat .MSNBC viewers are mainly Liberal Democrats .I could be wrong .Ballot access is important for the Libertarian party in all 50 States.Gady Johnson’s mistakes are a distraction .Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton said worse things .By the way did you see Thom Hartmanns comments about the Libertarian party on Rt.america.That was dumb or naive .

  7. Gary has more Newspaper endorsements than Donald Trump.Hilary and Donald are nothing but Candidates for the new world order globalist internationalist.

  8. Since the internet came along — do mere newspaper editorials have ANY effects on election results ???

    i.e. all the mindless twitter, Facebook, etc. JUNK stuff to distract the more and more 1 second attention span folks.

  9. How many USA folks can name the leader of China or India or Brazil ??? — all now MAJOR regimes.

    Thus – wikipedia and the internet for specific names and places.

    See the relatively short LP Platform — for GENERAL principles — represented by Johnson/Weld.

    EVERY election — a matter of MORE, LESS, or SAME control freak STATISM — since 1776.

  10. I saw the clip in which Chris Matthews asked Gary Johnson to name a foreign leader he admires. He wanted to say Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, but he could not remember that specific name. Vicente Fox ended one party dominance of Mexico, instituted free market reforms that have made Mexico more prosperous, and has spent the last several years promoting legalization of Marijuana.

    Of course a non-interventionist foreign policy will make it less necessary to remember all the many leaders of foreign countries.

    5 daily newspapers have endorsed the Johnson/Weld ticket, including the Richmond News-Dispatch and the Manchester (NH) Union-Leader, along with a paper in Vermont and a paper in North Carolina.

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