
Ross Barkan Essay in Village Voice: “Third Party Voters Need Persuading, Not Pummeling” — 11 Comments

  1. Plurality voting rewards the fighters with bad publicity so since bad publicity is good publicity pluralists think fighting, arguing, etc. is ok and good.

    Now there is a new way.

    Unity and cooperation under pure proportional representation.

    But if you just want to pick a fight over the mathematics of percentages then you are going to waste everyones time for as long as you take a position in opposition to pure proportional representation.

    Fighting agaisnt pure proportional representation is the only thing some pluralists know so it is difficult attacting team players/collaborators from your typical party bosses and pluralists who think they know best.

    Fortunately, the United Coalition has been using pure proportional representation correctly for more than 21 consecutive years and we’ve made progress despite opposition from those who proportional representation would benefit by making them part of the government.

  2. Majority rule [aka Democracy] and minority representation with P.R.

    Armies of IGNORANT math morons in the media and polisci depts are clueless about P.R. — despite it being used in MOST of the *civilized* world OUTSIDE of the USA-UK-Canada-India regimes.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  3. Wasn’t the Village Voice started by beatniks in the 50s.Look at who their early writers were .

  4. The Village Voice? Illiterate buffons.

    It is interesting to see how desperate the Clinton campaign is to bolster their popular vote. They know as well as anyone that Trump won’t be elected POTUS, so at this point they are trying to garner more than a plurality of the popular vote so that Clinton won’t appear to be quite such a sad sack.

  5. James Ridgeway was or is the better journalist to write for the Village Voice.In the 60s it was probably more counterculture.In the the 70s just plain leftist.Articles about art and culture in the Village Voice hasn’t been to bad.Articles about Bob Dylan in the Village Voice was probably more interesting.Times have changed . Probably more apathy like their was in the 70s known as the me generation and the stupid disco era 75 to 79.Yes their is still apathy politically or societal apathy like in the old John Hughes 80s teen films .Social apathy to was in the old John Hughes films .Ask Americans today who was Eugene McCarthy and see how many don’t know who you are talking about.Ask them who Ed Clark the 1980 Libertarian party Presidential candidate was .Ask them who the Late Singer Gram Parsons was .Today’s young people can tell you who Jason Bieber is and Brad Pitt is .I prefer bringing back the 60s.and 60s style journalism that was in the alternative Publications.

  6. Pacifica radio was pretty cool to in the 60s and produced Great Journalism .Listen to the Pacifica Radio archives.Yes anyone should realize their is apathy .Political societal and social.Look at the most popular Television shows like Jimmy Kimmel show and whoever is on NBC.Comedy shows are still popular and shows about Zombies and the apocalypse to .Comedy central is popular I guess .I could care less about Television anyways and what is popular .The Kardashians were popular .Fox has popular primetime shows I guess .Fox news is popular.A.erica has changed folks .A reality show star is the Republican presidential nominee.Reality tv has become the norm to .Maybe Gary Johnson should have a reality TV show .I seen people who are brain dead when it concerns politics since the 1990s.

  7. America I remember when I was 5 years old has changed .I was five years old in 1973.I have been interested in politics sine I was 4 years old .I use to read National geographic magazine when I was little i took interest in the articles about North and South Vietnam.Maybe I am a rare exception
    I liked reading political books when I was in elementary school .

  8. W.S. — what is the average attention span now ??? About 10 seconds or less — see the zillion short TV ads.

    What percentage of folks actually read something each day ???

    The whole society in the USA — DUMBING Down and getting dumber — to be politically correct of course ???

    The govt DEBT hammer may operate shortly — to make all prior depressions seem super-trivial.

  9. DemoRep people don’t know how to think for themselves anymore .you don’t see shows like All in the Family with Archive Bunker anymore .There was a book written about how people don’t know how to think anymore and let ofther people influence there thinking .I forgot the name of the title .

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