California Bill to Force Paid Circulators to Register as Lobbyists

California Assemblymember Lori Saldana (D-San Diego) has introduced AB 6, to require initiative circulators to register as lobbyists. Registering as a lobbyist involves filling out financial disclosure forms with the Secretary of State 4 times per year, and a $25 fee to register. Registration expires every two years and must be renewed.

The bill seems absurd on its face. Initiative circulators are not lobbyists.


California Bill to Force Paid Circulators to Register as Lobbyists — No Comments

  1. If initiative petition circulators can be called ‘lobbyists’, then newspapers that endorse initiatives must be called lobbyists also. Absurd indeed.

  2. Like I tell people Democrats revile our Constitution. They can’t stand freedom. They will do anything to undermine the people’s voice.

  3. Democrats can’t stand freedom and revile the Constitution. That’s a fairly broad brush with which to paint, based on one bill introduced by one person who happens to be a Democrat. What is your reaction when Republican state legislators introduce similarly inane bills declaring fertilized eggs to be legal persons? How about the Republican state legislators who advocate abolishing public schools? That would, I suppose, bring about the freedom to be uneducated and marginalized. Good luck advocating that.

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