Washington Post Article Shows Which Presidential Candidates are on Ballot and Which States They Filed for Write-in Status

This very detailed and lengthy Washington Post article illustrates which presidential candidates are on ballots in each state, and which states will count write-ins for candidates who aren’t on the ballot. This amount of information about alternate presidential candidates, and even write-in status for them, is completely unprecedented.


Washington Post Article Shows Which Presidential Candidates are on Ballot and Which States They Filed for Write-in Status — 5 Comments

  1. The EVIL empire of the Donkey/Elephant gerrymander oligarchs is under some minor stress.

    They will of course ATTACK all third parties and independents from the 8 Nov 2016 onward by all means possible — esp. using SCOTUS to uphold the rotted to the core *2 party* regime of gerrymander HACK extremists.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. The article information about write-in candidates in Mississippi is only partially correct. No ballot cast for a write-in candidate is counted unless the write-in candidate meets all applicable filing requirements prior to the filing deadline, including payment of all applicable fees – $2500 for any presidential candidate under a new statute enacted early in 2016. The statute-at-large has not yet been released to legal reporter services.

    MS Code §§23-15-365 additionally provides that there shall be left on each ballot one (1) blank space under the title of each office to be voted for, and in the event of the death, resignation, withdrawal or removal of any candidate whose name shall have been printed on the official ballot, the name of the candidate duly substituted in the place of such candidate may be written in such blank space by the voter.

    There are seven presidential candidates officially on the ballot in MS, including Jill Stein. NONE HAVE DIED, RESIGNED, WITHDRAWN OR BEEN REMOVED – so you can FORGET about presidential write-in candidates in MS!

  3. Gee – one more MINORITY RULE extremist Prez coming along in the form of the Clinton or Trump MONSTER from Hell

    — due to the zillion on ballot and write-in folks ???

  4. My question how many people will show up at the polls to vote forwhatever reason Religious or out right apathy.Jehovah witnesses don’t really participate in Elections so it’s a waste of time convincing them who to vote for.

  5. As I should have said not show up to polls for religious or out right apathy.

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