Politico Election Returns Page is Set to Include All Candidates Who are on Ballot

Politico has its web page all positioned to include election returns for president from every state. See the link, which of course doesn’t yet show any vote totals. Every candidate who is on the ballot in any particular state is listed. Thanks to Gregory Koch for the link.


Politico Election Returns Page is Set to Include All Candidates Who are on Ballot — 4 Comments

  1. Richard:

    Thanks so much for making this information and link available. That is so very much appreciated. Politico Election Returns is to be commended for providing this service.

  2. I hope it will give accurate voting results 100percent.My concern is how the stock market will react to the Election results.Also concerns about civil unrest after the Elections.I hope there is a silent majority that will vote against the two party system.I am a Libertarian and I support Labor causes and black Nationalist causes.So I am not totally philosophical.I wish the Nation of Islam members would vote for either Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.Who know how Senator Bernard Sanders supporters will vote .

  3. One more part of the MONARCHY fixation in the USA — since the Fed, State and local gerrymander legislative bodies are so UN-representative.

    What happened to the AP-3 TV networks results system ???

    Will ANY public (USA, Russia, China, etc.) or private (ISIS, mafia, etc.) gangsters be hacking the results ???

    Coming TOTAL communists vs. TOTAL fascists in the streets ???
    See Spain 1936-1939 for one example.

    P.R. and NONPARTISAN App.V.

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