
Newt Gingrich Endorsed National Popular Vote Plan in 2014 — 11 Comments

  1. The Democrats lost in 2000 ,while winning the popular vote. In 16 years they haven’t done anything to change it.

  2. The National Popular Vote plan does not address the problem of the so-called “wasted vote” and continues to make it possible for someone to get elected President with less than 50% of the vote. Whether or not the National Popular Vote plan is adopted, states should implement ranked voting for Presidential electors.

    Maine just authorized a rank voting system, but for some reason unknown to me, they excluded the Presidential vote from this new system. IMO, there is no reason not to apply ranked voting by state to the Presidential election. The ranked voting can be used whether or not electors are chosen by district, as they are in Maine.

  3. Walter… Approval Voting would be better for presidential electors. And all states should use the Nebraska/Maine process.

  4. The NPV scheme —

    1. an interstate compact requiring the approval of the gerrymander USA Congress.

    2. a blatant subversion of 14th Amdt, Sec. 1 (and the entire States / USA structure) — permitting votes OUTSIDE of a State to control results INSIDE a State.

    Means ZERO to the nonstop usual suspect CONSPIRATORS with their nonstop statutory *fixes* for everything.

  5. It will be interesting to see what happens when the Presidential electors vote in December.With the protest going on it will be interesting if there will be actual civil unrest that could lead to martial law.

  6. There are 10 states, plus DC, that have ratified the National Popular Vote Compact. All 10 of them, and DC, voted for Clinton. The whole idea won’t work unless Republican leaning states join, and the chances of that are very small.

  7. Can you believe George Soros is being blamed for the protest and riots by right wing publications

  8. @ Clay Shentrup:

    I thank you for the link. It’s very informative.

    It seems to me that the best ideas are:

    1. Allow NPV to take effect with any number of states.

    2. Use only the popular votes from the participating states to determine the winner of the electoral votes from those states.

    3. Adopt common rules for how to count votes from states that adopt different voting methods.

    Of course, if these rules were in place for this election, it wouldn’t change the outcome because all ten currently ratifying states and DC voted for Clinton anyway, and they all used plurality voting.

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