Texas Republican Presidential Elector Says he May Not Vote for Donald Trump

If one reads to the bottom half of this Politico article, one reads that on November 15, a Republican presidential elector in Texas said he may not vote for Donald Trump on December 19. His name is Art Sisneros.


Texas Republican Presidential Elector Says he May Not Vote for Donald Trump — 17 Comments

  1. There are two in Washington, also. A couple of others have said they’re considering it. So we’re potentially looking at three faithless electors, and that might even be on the low end.

    I looked over the records, and unless I missed one, there has not been an election where there has been more than one “faithless elector” in the presidential vote since 1808, excluding the one instance where a losing major-party nominee died before the electors voted (Greeley 1872). There have been other batches of them for Vice President, and there have been many with a single one, but I could find no other more recent instance of more than one elector casting a “faithless” vote for President.

  2. If all the dissenting electors are Republicans, and there are enough to deny him a majority, for whom do they vote? Do they go to Clinton? Or do they try to put a third name in the pot? Mr. Anti-Trump himself, Evan McMullin, for example? Or Gary Johnson?

    And if this happens, do some Democrats try to push Bernie Sanders into third place? Or Joe Biden?

    Maybe it’s time for me to re-read _The People’s Choice_. . . .

  3. I have a feeling that there will be a few people in Texas voting for Cruz, and for Kasich in Ohio.

  4. @ John Anthony:

    My thoughts as well. No one should be so presumptuous as to assume that any faithless Republican electors will vote for Clinton, OR, for that matter, that there won’t be any faithless Democratic electors who won’t vote for Clinton.

  5. In the 2004 case, the Democratic elector never came forward. It’s believed he switched the candidates around by accident.

  6. Sometimes a person is put in a position where they must choose between supporting their political party and supporting their country. Donald Trump presents that very position. This situation goes beyond the MANY offensive things Trump has said and done. He has been in regular contact with Russia both before and after the election. He has chosen a racist white supremacist as his chief strategist. He has demonstrated behavior that indicates he is either delusional or has no morals whatsoever. And now he is about to become President, in spite of the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over two million votes. The people demonstrating around the country (including Texas) are doing so because they are scared. Hell, I’m scared. Our democracy is in serious peril. While I realize that these electors are Republican, I am hoping that they are first and foremost Americans and will do the right thing.

  7. The Washington State electors named above are Democrats. As of the last time I checked Michigan was still not called, although considered likely Trump. That was yesterday.

    Any chance that absentee and provisional votes may still flip some states?

  8. Roger McBride 1972 A Virginia elector who voted for John Hospers.and Tonie Nathan.1972 Libertarian party Presidential and vice presidential nominee.Roger McBride Co created Little House on the Prairie.Now he was a faithless elector and he was rewarded in 1975 the Libertarian party Presidential nomination for the 1976 elections.

  9. Donald Trump will probably be another Herbert Hoover anyways .He would make Richard Nixon look like a Liberal.

  10. Remember Roger McBride.A true patriot and freedom fighter.He did the right thing in 1972.

  11. Repeat – the MONSTERS (esp. the small State and slave State MONSTERS) at the top secret 1787 Federal Convention created the OLIGARCHY regime – which now deserves NO respect.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V

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