Four Petitioning Candidates on Ballot for New Jersey Gubernatorial Ballot; Deadline is Tomorrow

So far, four petition candidates have qualified to be on the ballot for Governor of New Jersey. The election is November 7, 2017. The four petitions that have succeeded are for the Green and Libertarian nominees, and two independents. The deadline is June 6, Tuesday, so there may be others later today and tomorrow.


Four Petitioning Candidates on Ballot for New Jersey Gubernatorial Ballot; Deadline is Tomorrow — 2 Comments

  1. Four candidates did their time in the hamster cage petitioning. Isn’t that special? They took their hazing and persevered.
    Political segregation of the ballot must be smashed.

  2. New Jersey has some of the easiest ballot access requirements for independents in the country, you only need 800 valid signatures on the petition to run for governor.

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