On July 4, David Hadley, who was a member of the California Assembly 2014-2016, said he will run for Governor of California in 2018. That makes three prominent Republicans who are seeking the office. Having three well-known Republicans increases the chances that no Republican will place first or second in June 2018. See this story, which mentions that Hadley voted for Gary Johnson for president in November 2016.
If I was the democratic party I’d have dozens of operatives register as republican and “run” to further thin out the vote, just another failure of Top-2
By uniting the 100% under pure proportional representation (PR) our team has the juice we need because of the worldwide unity phenomena.
We’re transforming to the global level.
Nobody has it as good as our team and we’re eager to get better.
Soviet-style “Top One”… now THAT’S the ticket! No dissension. Candidate ALWAYS has 100% support. How can you beat that? 😉