Lincoln Daily Newspaper Condemns 2016 Ballot Access Restriction

The Journal Star, daily newspaper for Lincoln, Nebraska, has this editorial, criticizing the 2016 law that raised the number of signatures for a non-presidential independent from 4,000 signatures to 10% of the number of registered voters.


Lincoln Daily Newspaper Condemns 2016 Ballot Access Restriction — 2 Comments

  1. Nebraska should adopt Top 2 for all of its elections.

    It might permit post-primary nominations by petition. In that case, a much higher standard is reasonable. Perhaps, a candidate would need to get as many signatures as the second-place candidate, with a 10% minimum of the total vote.

  2. NO primaries. Would have the campaign ravings for only about 2 months before THE [general] election day —

    ie mere 22 of 24 months in cycle for other distractions.
    PR and AppV

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