Another Maine Legislator Switches to Independent

On October 17, Maine Representative Norman Higgins announced that he has changed his registration from Republican to independent. He was first elected in 2014 and represents part of Piscataquis County.

The Maine House now has 74 Democrats, 69 Republicans, 6 independents, 1 Green, and 1 vacancy. See this story.


Another Maine Legislator Switches to Independent — 7 Comments

  1. So the independents and the Green have voting power — at least until the special election to fill that vacancy, if any bill/etc. goes on a straight party-line vote, either Ds or Rs will need some support from the independents and/or the Green to pass the measure.

  2. Its been kind of interesting to see the two-party system taking hits in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Its definitely a trend I’d like to see continue.

  3. @Karl T. Knight I hope so for rest of nation in near/far future will do same if something will force to snap out propaganda made by Pro-democrat/republican favor media for decades, And well it’s their ‘little less’ corrupted politics in these New English states that made them have strong presence of third party acceptance or something like that.

  4. Maine continuing its Independent/third party streak, which is awesome. I would not be surprised to see another gubernatorial race there in which one or more strong third party/Indy candidate emerges.

  5. @Joshua H. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Policies that the Republican & Democratic Parties just are not resounding w. many in Maine, NH & VT and they (like the rest of the nation should) are taking their business elsewhere. Hopefully some of these officials that left their original party will be able to retain their seats come elections.

  6. ME with NE in 2016 had its USA Rep gerrymander districts used in 12th Amdt E.C. machinations.

    2 at large D
    1 CD D
    1 CD R

    Thus quite possible 2020 Prez election CRISIS.

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