California Top-Two Initiative Proponents Are Now Free to Start Circulating Petition

On October 25, the California Attorney General released this summary of a proposed initiative to repeal the top-two system. The proponents are now free to print up petitions and circulate them. The summary says that if the initiative passed, there would be no significant increase in election administration costs.


California Top-Two Initiative Proponents Are Now Free to Start Circulating Petition — 2 Comments

  1. ANY folks in CA capable of doing a petition to save Democracy —

    NO primaries — expensive — low turnouts

    ONE election day — Ballot access via nominating petitions or filing fees

    PR and nonpartisan AppV

  2. “Partisan office” is defined by statute, and all the election code for partisan offices other than President was zapped on January 1, 2011. The proposed amendment clarifies that presidential primaries are direct primaries, and that the national convention is superfluous. The National Popular Vote scheme may thus be in violation of the California Constitution. A good feature of the amendment is it eliminates state-funded and regulated election of party committees.

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