Zogby Poll Asks Voters About 2020 Presidential Election Choices Outside Two Major Parties

On November 3, Zogby Polls released the results of an odd poll that asked voters how they feel about various conceivable presidential candidates who might run as independent candidates. See the results here.


Zogby Poll Asks Voters About 2020 Presidential Election Choices Outside Two Major Parties — 12 Comments

  1. I voted Jill, and to this say I don’t regret my vote, but I do hope the Green Party nominates another candidate in 2020. I’m always worried people will follow more by just name recognition over the actual positions, and that would become a big issue.

  2. I agree on the third party personality problem. It seems like in Libertarian Party was/is centered around both Ron Paul and Gary Johnson and each camp didn’t really like the other with Paul being more right-libertarian or “paleolibertarian” and Johnson being more center-libertarian or classical liberal.

  3. This is just more of making each Prez into a god-tyrant-monarch-emperor — since 1861-1917-1933-1941 onward — with almost nonstop UN-declared foreign wars and all sorts of domestic stunts – war on poverty, war on drugs, war on whatever — lead by the nonstop war time commander in chief.

    See *leader* Hitler in 1933-1945.

    Trump — 46 percent in 2016.

    How about a 40 – 35 – 30 percent SUPER-extremist Prez winner in 2020 ???

    — due to more 3rd party and independent Prez candidates.
    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter
    PR and nonpartisan AppV

  4. A Zogby Poll from last week showed Michelle Obama was the favorite for the Democratic nomination, ahead of Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren was a distant fourth. They apparently did not ask about Hillary Clinton.

  5. The United Coalition of Candidates works with candidates for public office (including USA POTUS) from all over the world and we attract team players who are interested in the whole, with seven simultaneous geographic levels, under pure proportional representation.

    The seven levels range from city to global, including USA national.


  6. @SocraticGadfly Michelle Obama ISN’T interest running for president, Because she would revive Obama personality cult.

    @James Mahoney IV The two major parties are getting this as well over years with using same politicians e.x. Obamas, Bushes and Clintons (less policy and more personality and immature two-party politics) that will lead some sort of personality cults (I used to be one in both sides before I outgrown them).

    And would thanks of supposedly “neutral” mainstream media outlets always forget third parties an equally fair shot like any election in past three decades despite steadily growing membership.

  7. When *personality* CULTS get going Democracy is almost DEAD —

    Think Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar [leading to many Czars], Lenin. Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito, Mao, etc.
    PR and AppV

  8. Agree with James Mahoney IV on dominant candidates in third parties. I hope the Libertarians can come up with someone else besides Gary Johnson in 2020. This may not be a problem in the next election though as Johnson hurt himself with many Libertarians by pushing for Weld as his VP candidate, who only did and said things that seemed to prove the point that the only reason he took the VP nomination was because he thought it would hurt Trump and help Hillary get elected.

  9. Policy gets set by the best leaders and not by pluality elections.

    If you want to see the correct rankings of many diverse people who work to get good things done than pure proportional representation is required.

    The United Coalition has been using pure proportional representation for more than twenty-two consecutive years and it works fine.

    Nobody has it as good as the United Coalition.


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