New Jersey Gubernatorial Poll

New Jersey holds a gubernatorial election on November 7, 2017. On November 3, a Big League-Gravis poll was released. The results: Democratic 46.1%; Republican 31.8%; independent Gina Genovese 4.3%; Green Party 3.1%; other or undecided 14.8%. Here are the results; scroll down to question 5.


New Jersey Gubernatorial Poll — 5 Comments

  1. Unfortunate that Matt Riccardi was not given as a choice, since he is on the ballot and running a phenomenal campaign.

  2. Any poll that refuses to list ALL the candidates on the ballot is rigged and should not be relied on as actually being accurate within polling standards.

  3. Considering the Democratic nominee beat a pro-Bernie candidate, I’m kinda said the Greens aren’t getting 6% like the Greens in West Virginia for governor, but I’ll take what I can get, I suppose. I hope they actually get that percentage and it’s not lowered to 1% or less when the actual election happens.

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