U.S. Senator Richard Shelby Tells Reporters He Cast an Absentee Vote for a Write-in Candidate

Alabama is holding a special election for U.S. Senate on December 12. On November 27, Alabama’s senior U.S. Senator, Richard Shelby, told reporters he already voted absentee, and he voted for a write-in candidate. See this story.


U.S. Senator Richard Shelby Tells Reporters He Cast an Absentee Vote for a Write-in Candidate — 16 Comments

  1. Any violation of AL law in a public disclosure of who voted for — ie subversion of secret ballot ???

  2. The SCOTUS did not invalidate any Virginia House district boundaries. They remanded to the district court 11 of the districts, to determine if the legislature did not pretend that they were not using race, when they were required to do so.

  3. “Moore really scares the swamp critters wriggling around in the slime.”

    As slimy as they are, he’s even slimier.

  4. ALL the gerrymander hacks are like pre-history one cell MONSTERS eating public humans and each other.

    End the rule of the MONSTERS —

    PR and AppV

  5. Demo, it is not a violation of the secret ballot to say who you voted for in an election. He told reporters about his vote, as anyone has a right to do.

  6. When us proportionalists elect a team under pure proportional representation (PR) we are not interested so much in what individual candidates who vie for one of the empty seats in a set of empty seats are saying.

    Under pure proportional representation we’re more interested in the protection of the equal time, the equal treatment and the same equal, lowest threshold to elect the most seats, and that it is lowest possible threshold that is the same for all the seats in the district.

    The vile divisive chatter does not originate from proportionalists, no. The arrogance and slander comes from the pluralists who have seen 200+ years of polarizing elections which reward candidates for vile rhetoric.

    Proportionalism rewards the best team players who can work with diverse people in a fair and civil election system.

    Turn away from all single-winner elections and don’t waste your time there in plurality elections and the vile rhetoric of pluralists.

    Instead demonstrate your leadership and talents for advanced elections and get rewarded with votes for good teamwork.

    The United Coalition has been using pure proportional representation for more than twenty-two consecutive years and it works fine.

    The United Coalition of Candidates has elected a dynamic Unity Platform and we’re always interested in improvements for the good of the team.


  7. The *secret* ballot means exactly that — secret

    — to NOT have the corruption before secret ballots — bribes and threats.

    The USA has been on a suicidal breakdown since Nov 1932

    — compounded by the various minority rule Prezs since 1992.

    IE It took the Roman Republic many centuries to ROT into the killer Caesar empire regimes —
    a mere 85 years since 1932 — with the killer USA Prezs and undeclared wars.

  8. I do not understand your point at all, which seems common. Yes, it’s secret in the fact that the government doesn’t get to know who you voted for, and you’re under no obligation to tell anyone, but it is not a violation of that law to, BY CHOICE, tell people who you voted for. I wrote-in Jill Stein in 2016. I’ll probably write-in a candidate in 2020. You can’t bribe or coerce me with that knowledge, and I am perfectly within my right to “un-secret” my ballot to anyone I choose.

  9. I’d need to look into him and his policies more, but I know he’s been affiliated with the Green Party in New York for a while, and also has some socialist connections, and I’m more of a leftist Green supporter, so I like that. I get the impression he’d be a potentially better candidate than Jill, honestly, under the right circumstances. I’ve known of him a while, I just haven’t looked too deeply into him, so that’s the best I can answer, just impressions.

    I’m sorry for being mostly ignorant on him when he’s one of the more well known Greens, certainly in New York politics, and as just a general partisan thing I’m happy he ran against Cuomo, who is the business, Wall Street-type of Democrat I despise, but on specifics, to be fair, I shouldn’t answer.

  10. For the clueless — New Age PURGE lists are being compiled by the various left/right top gangsters.

    esp — Who votes for who.

    Esp. using the party registration lists in States having party registrations.

    Variation — the registration PURGE of voters in various States – based on precinct election results.

    Think Germany CHAOS in 1929-1933
    — with the PURGE of non-nazis in 1933-1934.
    How about NO more secrets ???

    I, as a grand juror, just indicted A.Z. for treason and mass murder.

    I, as a military officer, have made these WAR orders using these WAR plans and these WAR codes to attack nation X on D-Day.

    See how many seconds the regime survives.

  11. Also – being an Elector means holding a public office — if only for some seconds on *active* duty —

    signing nominating petitions or voting (and perhaps counting ballots in a crisis).

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