Another California Poll Predicts No Republican Will be on November 2018 Ballot for Either Governor or U.S. Senator

On December 21, the Institute for Governmental Studies, based at U.C. Berkeley, published its own poll of the 2018 California gubernatorial and U.S. Senate races. See here. Like another recent poll by Public Policy Institute of California, it predicts that in November 2018 voters will not be permitted to vote for anyone for either office except one of two Democrats.


Another California Poll Predicts No Republican Will be on November 2018 Ballot for Either Governor or U.S. Senator — 2 Comments

  1. How soon before ALL CA Elephant candidates in Donkey gerrymander areas become fake Donkeys in order to have any chance to be elected ???

    See the old pre-1964 southern State Donkey regimes — with top 2 runoff primaries.

  2. The Republican Party of CA need to sue the CA State Gov. This is crossing a red line. I already knew we had commies, Nazis, & facist lefties in the CA State Gov, but this is could be considered as outlawing a political party. This isn’t illegal, but it damn hell should be.

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