James Tedisco Concedes in New York’s US House Race, 20th District

On April 24, Republican nominee James Tedisco conceded to the Democratic nominee, Scott Murphy, in the March 31 special election for U.S. House in New York’s Hudson Valley (20th district). Thanks to Independent Political Report for this news.


James Tedisco Concedes in New York’s US House Race, 20th District — No Comments

  1. On the absentee ballots that still had his name on them, how did the Libertarian Party candidate do?

  2. New York probably will never say how many votes Eric Sundwall received. Pennsylvania also didn’t count the 2006 ballots that had the Green Party US Senate candidates’s name on them (Carl Romanelli). It was the same situation; the early absentee votes had Romanelli’s name on them but the state kept that information to itself. That’s why the recent lawsuit filed in federal court in Pennsylvania, complaining about Pennsylvania’s failure to count and canvass write-ins, is so important. Write-ins aren’t exactly the same as ballots with a candidate’s name on them, but the principle is the same. All voters must be treated equally. All voters who cast a valid vote have a right to have their votes tallied. The U.S. Supreme Court said this almost 100 years ago.

  3. — and that is what LPNY got for not contesting their petition / ballot access challenge.

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