Link to Hear Oral Argument in Third Circuit on Out-of-State Circulator Ban for New Jersey Primary Petitions

Here is a link to listen to the oral argument in Wilmoth v New Jersey, in the Third Circuit on January 23. The issue is New Jersey’s ban on out-of-state circulators for presidential primary petitions. In New Jersey, presidential candidates need 1,000 signatures to get on a presidential primary ballot, and only New Jersey residents can circulate such petitions. The argument is 30 minutes long.


Link to Hear Oral Argument in Third Circuit on Out-of-State Circulator Ban for New Jersey Primary Petitions — 1 Comment

  1. Each State is a Nation-State.

    1776 DOI last para

    Const Art VII

    *internal* politics – external foreigners

    Try to do ballot petition stuff in Russia, China, etc. and see if you survive.

    Again – perversion of 1st Amdt by SCOTUS regarding election *mechanics* – ballot access, ballots, votes, vote counting, etc.

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