Maine Ranked Choice Voting Supporters Submit Petition on Friday, February 2

Maine supporters of ranked choice voting will submit their referendum petition to the Secretary of State on Friday, February 2. The town clerks have already determined that it has enough valid signatures to place the referendum on the June 2018 ballot. This petition, at least temporarily, suspends the virtual repeal of RCV passed last year.

This referendum will mean that Maine must use ranked choice voting in the June 2018 primary. If the voters in June sustain RCV, it will also be used in November 2018 for congress.


Maine Ranked Choice Voting Supporters Submit Petition on Friday, February 2 — 11 Comments

  1. ME —
    Prez Nov 2016

    357,735 Clinton
    335,593 Trump
    54,599 Others
    747,927 Total

    One of the few *close* States
    2 USA Rep gerrymander districts
    Clinton and Trump won 1 each —
    Clinton 3 ECV – Trump 1 ECV

  2. I believe that the original proposal didn’t apply to the Presidential election. Does the current version?

  3. Collectivism is the organizing principle of all political power in San Francisco — they would have one party rule under any electoral system.


    PART —
    Our People’s Veto campaign seeks to restore Maine’s Ranked Choice Voting law for the 7 elections that do not conflict with the plurality provision in Maine’s Constitution, including U.S. Senate primary and general, U.S. House primary and general, Gubernatorial primary, State Representative primary, and State Senate primary. There are no state constitutional concerns when it comes to any of these elections.

  5. Ballot Access News has been lobbied for more than 23 consecutive years with regards to pure proportional representation (PPR) in SF. We ask that should a name garner 1/12ths (8.3%) (plus one vote) under PPR, that they are elected to one of the eleven seats in SF elections. It is a mathematical equation.

    I first brought PPR to BAN in 1993 when I spoke that the headquarters as a candidate for Governor of California, promoting PPR as a State voting reform.

    To pluralists, the call for unity under PPR, is a reason for censorship and hostile treatment. There is no favorable treatment for proportionalists, under pluralist election psychology.

    In 2012 I won the only state primary which fell before the national Libertarian convention with 52.7% but I was denied equal time and equal treatment at the Libertarian Party’s national convention. This trait is common on all levels of political organizing from the bottom to the top.

    Google derived took my name in 1997 ( To pluralists, pure proportional representation, is just another opportunity for them, but they cannot engage the team because taking for their own is higher priority than the American and world voters.

    To pluralists, it is OK to be abusive and to conduct themselves as opponents of a new way. But for team players, we are welcoming your interest and support under a new PPR election infrastructure that is right on, and which incorporates reward with good teamwork.

    Sign up with the United Coalition team now in 2018:

  6. Due to the current ME Const —

    the RCV machination can NOT be used in the –

    Governor general
    State Representative general
    State Senate general

    [specific mentions of *plurality* winners]

    — would require a ME const amdt.

    See May 2017 —

    Thus – the ME RCV website is more than a bit New Age DECEPTIVE.

    PR and AppV — pending Condorcet

  7. The only state in the union that demonstrates it knows, clearly, that the plurality system is unbearable. Not just this petition drive or the preceding measure that adopted ranked choice voting but the recoil on the legislative establishment against it.

  8. Most of the States have *plurality* winners — in primaries and general elections for partisan offices.

    Many local top 2xN primaries — nonpartisan offices — but with plurality winners.

    Exceptions —

    Top 2 partisan runoff primaries in some States

    Top 2 primary States — only 2 general election candidates – esp. if no write-ins.

    Some special stuff in some States for top Exec offices – Guv/Lt Guv, SOS, etc.

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